
Justin and Natalie McCarten's ewes are awarded third place in the 2019 Lake Cargelligo Ewe Compettion.

The 24th annual Lale Cargelligo Maiden Merino Ewe Compettion was held on Friday February 1st, 2019, with eight competitors from Naradhan, Rankin Springs, Weethalle, Gubbata, Kikioira, Ungarie and Tullibigeal localities. First place was awarded to the Carruthers family of “Millbank” Tullibigeal who presented a flock of 20 micron One Oak Poll Merino ewes which the judges regarded as being very bloomy and high crimping wool with large framed sheep with a good butt shape for easy lambing and fertility. The Carruthers family achieve 91pc lambing and average 8.5 kg of wool per sheep. Their yield is 58pc and the ewes had 10 months wool growth. The ewes were classed by Michael Elmes, who culls 34.3pc of young ewe lambs to give an averaged gross margin of $247 per ewe.

Third place went to Justin and Natalie McCarten of “Glen Echo” Rankin Springs who presented a flock of 20 micron One Oak Poll blood ewes. The judges thought the wool displayed cut and handling in droughty, dusty conditions. The body shape was very good with a good finish of wool all over each ewe. These ewes have lambing percentages of 112pc which enables a culling rate of 32pc. Justin and Natalie cut 5.8 kgs of wool after 10 months, taking advantage of the good wool length their ewes grow to shear at less than 12 month intervals. The ewes yielded 59pc and gave an averaged gross margin of $261 per ewe. They were classed by Michael Elmes. 

Article courtesy of The Lake Cargelligo Ewe Competition committee